Sermon Finder


Luke 24:35-53; Acts 1:1-14 - Listen as Pastor Doran concludes the series on Luke and the Life of Christ. If Jesus is truly raised from the dead, then we should live differently...why don't we?

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The Resurrection

Luke 24: 1-35 - Listen as Pastor Doran discusses the resurrection of Jesus Christ. "Not-Dead-Yet" You are either dead or not-dead-yet. What does it mean to live a truly resurrected life?

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Jesus’ Crucifixion

Luke 23 - Listen as Pastor Doran speaks about the crucifixion of Jesus, how the plan came together, before Pilate and the actual event.

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Jesus – Savior or Judge

Luke 20:1-26 - Listen as Pastor Doran explains Jesus' authority and that at Christmas Jesus is either Savior or Judge based on our relationship to him.

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The Rich Young Ruler & Bartimaeus

Luke 18 - Listens as Pastor Doran answers the question "What do I want?" Do I want what God wants me to be or what I want to be? The rich young ruler of Luke 18 had the same question posed to him.

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What Forgiveness Looks Like

Luke 17 - Listen as Pastor Doran defines forgiveness as told in Luke 17. Was it a matter of faith and then a coupling idea of thankfulness.

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Those Who Look Righteous

Luke 16 - Listen as Pastor Doran discusses those who look righteous but inside are not close to God at all.

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People Who Are Really Lost

Luke 15 - Listen as Pastor Doran talks about people who are really lost. He examines the parables of Luke 15: the lost sheep, the lost coin and the Prodigal Son.

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The Cost of Discipleship

Luke 12-14 - Listen as Pastor Doran discusses how God values you but yet demands everything. Not a sometimes allegiance but a full time obedience.

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The Judgment of the Messiah

Luke 11:14-53 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues his study in the book of Luke. Why do we notice the Pharisees? What is their judgment and what really matters.

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