Sermon Finder

Palm Sunday 2012

John 12:12-26 - Listen as Pastor Doran describes the triumphal entry by Jesus into Jerusalem a week before his crucifixion. Hear what John's, the crowd's and Jesus' perspectives were concerning who Jesus was.

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Exodus – Our Response

Exodus 24-31 - Listen as Pastor Doran discusses what is "propositional truth" and how we are to respond to it. See how God reveals himself to the children of Israel and what the worshipful response is supposed to be.

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Exodus – Walking with God

Exodus 20 - 23 - Listen as Pastor Wray explains the Word is our food for life; and who says you you can't legislate morality...yes you can.

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Exodus – The Ten Commandments – Part 2

Exodus 20:12-17 - Listen as Pastor Wray explains the last 6 commandments directed at how we interact with one another. See how the root of violating any of the commandments is rooted in covetousness.

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Exodus – The Sabbath Rest

Exodus 20:8-11 - Listen as Pastor Doran speaks about the Sabbath and how it applies to Christians today and how we find our ultimate Sabbath rest in Jesus Christ.

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Exodus – The Ten Commandments – Part 1

Exodus 20:1-7 - Listen as Pastor Wray explains the name of God - I AM. Also what does it mean to have a proper fear of God?

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Exodus – Where God Came Down

Exodus 19 - Listen as David Swartz, one of CLC's Elders, continues the series in Exodus. See how God came down to meet Moses and the Israelites at Mt. Sinai and He continues to come to man and meet him.

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Exodus – Doing Too Much

Exodus 17:8 - 18:27 - Listen as Pastor Doran explains how Moses took on too much in leading the nation of Israel. It took his father in-law to bring it to his attention. Do we do that?

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Exodus – What Faith Looks Like

Exodus 16:22 - 17:16 - Listen as Pastor Doran explains what faith looks like. See how God reveals the past so we will trust Him for the future. What is Faith and what lessons can we learn from Exodus 16-17?

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Exodus – What Complaint Sounds Like

Exodus 15:22 - 16:21 - Listen as Pastor Doran describes how the Israelite nation complained to Moses after leaving Egypt. Are we prone to complain as they did?

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