Sermon Finder

Acts – The Church Breaks Out

Acts 8 - 9:9 - Listen as Pastor Doran continues his series on the Book of Acts. Listen to what God uses to force the church out of its comfort zone and into the world to accomplish the mission He gave her.

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Acts – Deacons

Acts 6 & 7 - Listen as Pastor Doran continues the series on the Book of Acts. How did the office of Deacon begin? Was it to address real problems in the church? How was God working behind the scenes?

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Acts – The Committed

Acts 5:19-42 - Listen as Pastor Doran continues the series in Acts. Learn about the "why" of miracles and how that should give us the correct perspective toward Him and life.

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Acts – The Issues in the Heart and Real LIfe

Acts 4:31 - 5:18 - Listen as Pastor Doran discusses Ananias & Sapphira's sin and the reaction of the newly formed church and those outside the church.

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Acts – The Birth of the Church

Acts 2:1-47 - Listen as Pastor Doran talks about the birth of the New Testament Church @ Pentecost and how the Holy Spirit moved among men and women.

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Acts – The Beginning of the Church

Acts 1:1-14 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on the Book of Acts; examining the start of the New Testament Church.

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Acts – The Context of Church

Matthew 22:23-33; 12:46-50; 1 Cor 12:4-31 - Listen as Pastor Doran begins a new series, which stresses the importance of the local church.

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Samuel – Staying Under Authority

1 Samuel 24 - Listen as Pastor Doran concludes his series on Leadership. Leadership is taking responsibility for more than yourself. See how David, even at a young age, anointed to be King stayed under the authority of King Saul and ultimately God.

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Samuel – Righteous Orientation

1 Samuel 17 - Listen as Pastor Doran continues the series of Godly leadership in 1 Samuel. See how David, even as a boy, focused on the right problem. When we confront a problem...what does righteousness demand? Are we willing to do it?

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Samuel – Seeing Like God

1 Samuel 16 - Pastor Doran continues his series on Godly leadership by switching from Joshua to David. How was David chosen? As man chooses or as God does? God looks upon the heart while man looks on the exterior.

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