Luke 20:9-18 & 1 Peter 2:1-10 - Listen as Pastor Wray talks about Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone. Jesus tells his followers He is the One to come and the One to follow. He is the center of our faith.
Acts 26 - Listen as Pastor Wray talks about Paul standing trial before Agrippa, the last of the Herodian kings. Listen to the two responses to the Gospel: "you're crazy" & "perhaps another time"
Acts 25 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the Book of Acts series. Paul is summoned before Festus after spending 2 years in prison. God opens a door to speak forth the gospel before kings. The separation point between Judaism from Christianity.
Acts 23 - Listen as Pastor Doran continues the series on Acts. How Paul presents the Gospel before the Sadducees and Pharisees and their reaction to it...chaos
Acts 19:23 - 20:38 - Pastor Doran continues the series on the Book of Acts with an explanation of what happens when the life of faith confronts the marketplace.
Acts 18:24 - 19:22 - Listen as Pastor Doran talks about Paul finishing the message of Jesus that Apollos had started years before. How miracles are attached to doctrine and how Ephesus eventually was in danger of losing their first love.
Acts 17:24 - 18:23 - Listen as Pastor Doran continues the Acts series as Paul makes his way to Corinth after leaving Athens. Listen how all things are God's hands.