James 2:1-13 - What place does favoritism have in the church? James says none! What is the Law of Liberty James speaks about and how does it apply to us in 2014? Listen as Pastor Wray unwraps the truths of James.
James 1:19-27 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues his series on the books of Galatians and James. Galatians tells us who a believer is, James tells us how that believer is to live. What is the purpose of holiness? How do we please God?
James 1:1-18 - Listen as Pastor Wray weaves the Epistle of James into the series on the Book of Galatians. Many times these two New testament books seem at odds to one another. One proclaiming Grace apart from work; the other proclaiming we are justified by our works. Context is everything is the watch word for this series.
Galatians 2:11-21 - Listen as Pastor Doran describes how Peter slide back into legalism even after he knew the freedom in the Gospel. We are are capable of the very same tendency.
Galatians 2:3-10 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on the Book of Galatians; how Paul went to Jerusalem to present his work to the Council and to plan for the work ahead.
Galatians 1:18-24 - Listen as Pastor Wray concludes the testimony of the Apostle Paul. Listen how Paul gave up everything to follow Christ. How he transitioned from an enemy of God to a proclaimer of His Gospel.
Galatians 1:11-17 - Listen as Pastor Wray begins to describe the testimony of the Apostle Paul. How even before he was converted to Christ, God's hand was on him.
Galatians 1:6-10 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on the Book to the Galatians. Learn what the Gospel of Christ is and what it is not. How and why had the Galatians moved away from the Gospel Paul had delivered to them?
Galatians 1:1-5 - Listen as Pastor Wray begins a new series - the Epistle to the Galatians. Learn how the Apostle Paul writes to believers to correct wrong teaching that had infected the church.
Isaiah 60-66 - Listen as Pastor Wray concludes the series on the Book of Isaiah. LIsten as he describes the blessings to come, about God's greatness and the New Heaven and Earth.