Sermon Finder

The Wilderness

Exodus 15:22-16:7 - God tests His people to see if they have the faith necessary to obey Him when things are difficult. God pictures himself as a healer - the only true solution to the needs that we have.

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The Red Sea

Exodus 14:1-31 - In His supreme act of deliverance, God shows that He will continue to protect the Israelites through their wilderness journeys. Through the narrative, we see God testing His people by leading them intentionally into danger to teach them their courage must be in Him.

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The Purpose of Redemption

Exodus 13 - Through the description of the dedication of the firstborn and the way God leads the Israelites, we see that God's goal for his people is always that they would be more sanctified to Him.

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Exodus 12:14-51 - Our passage shows that we are called to remember God's redemptive work so that we do not take credit for the work that only God can do.

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God’s Provision for His People

Exodus 11:1-12:13 - In this passage, God promises both physical and spiritual provision for His people.

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A Study In Contrasts

Exodus 10 - This passage calls us to evaluate the choices of Pharaoh based on the results they cause. Pharaoh's prides results in famine and isolation for the nation. By contrast, Israel's service to God results in community and plenty.

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The Fear of the Lord

Exodus 9:1-35 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues our series in Exodus. In this passage, God shows He has the power to control our personal wealth, bodily wellness, and natural conditions. In light of that, our response should be to fear the Lord by obeying rather than exalting ourselves.

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God’s Omnipresence

Exodus 8:1-32 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues our sermon series in Exodus. In this chapter, we see God's omnipresence on display as there is nowhere the Egyptians can go to escape his judgment. God then uses this power to work for the benefit of His people.

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God’s Power on Display

Exodus 7:1-25 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues our series in the book of Exodus. In this passage, God shows that He has the power to redeem his people by demonstrating his superiority over Pharaoh, the Egyptian Magicians and the Nile River.

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God’s Faithfulness on Trial

Exodus 5:22-6:30 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues our series in Exodus. In the face of initial failure, Moses questions whether God will keep his promise and God reminds Moses of His past, present and future plans.

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