James 4:1-10 - Listen as Pastor Wray as he continues the series on Galatians/James. We are not complex people, but rather quite simple. The root of our problem is "self". Humility is the answer.
Galatians 5:22-26 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the Galatians/James series. What does it mean when the Bibles descibes the Fruit of Spirit? What does it mean to "walk by the Spirit"?
Apologetics Conference – Arguments Against Darwinian Evolution & Naturalism
Colossians 2:8 - Session 5 - Listen as Simon Brace closes CLC's 1st Apologetics Conference with a session on Arguments Against Darwinian Evolution & Naturalism. What role does Philosophy play in these areas?
- Session 4 - Listen as Nel Brace, who holds a Master's Degree. in Philosophy and Biblical Studies from Southern Evangelical Seminary, addresses the issue of women in Apologetics. What does it mean and how is it applied?
Apologetics Conference – Christian Hope in a Hopeless World
1 Corinthians 13:13 - Session 1 - CLC's First Apologectics Conference kicks off with Simon Brace, Director of Evangelism at Southern Evangelical Semiary in Matthews NC, describes what the Christian Hope is.
James 3:1-12 - Listen as Pastor Wray switches back to the book of James to explain how we ought to walk if we claim to be followers of Christ. One of the first things to show "who" we belong to is our tongue.