Matthew – The Teachings of Christ – The 12 Apostles – Part 1
Matthew 10:1-15 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the Teachings of Christ in the book of Matthew. Learn what it means to be a disciple of Christ. What special talents do I need?
Matthew – The Teachings of Christ – Sermon on the Mount – Part 5
Matthew 7:1-29 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on the Teachings of Christ. Today he speaks about the popular but often mis-quoted passage from Matt 7:1. "Judge not, lest you be judged". Find out what that really means.
Various Bible Passages - Listen as David Swartz discusses the Truth About Money - Money Woes: Fear or Trust, Insecurity or Peace. Do you know God's instructions for these problems that plague us?
Mission Conference – Jesus Christ – the Living Word – the Mission of God
Assorted Bible Passages - Listen as Dr Beyer closes the 2014 Church of the Living Christs' Mission Conference with a message about Jesus Christ being the center of God's mission to the nations. He taught it and embodied it. The challenge to us is, will we follow in His footsteps?
Various Bible Passages - Listen as Rick Davis, Director of Engage Global, challenges the attendees of "Why IN the World" Mission Conference to look beyond themselves and ask not "God what is your will for MY life, but God what is YOUR will, and how can I be part of it"
Psalms - Dr. Bryan Beyer continues the Church of the Living Christ's Mission Conference, "Why IN the World", with a message from the book of Psalms. Dr. Beyer traces God's heart for the nations and the people of those nations through the book of Psalms.
Isaiah - Dr Bryan Beyer continues the Church of the Living Christ's Mission Conference with a message from the book of Isaiah. Dr. Beyer stresses that the mandate to go and tell the nations is found throughout Isaiah.