Sermon Finder

Defense of Biblical Marriage – The Hermeneutical Crisis

Genesis - Listen as Pastor Wray begins a new series entitled Defense of Biblical Marriage. This is a major issue confronting our culture today. The same-sex relationship issue is confronting our culture and the church. What are we to think about it and how are we to respond to it?

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Reason for Belief – Apologetics Conference 2015 – The Case for the Resurrection

Various Bible Passages - Listen as Ray Ciervo from "No-Pat-Answers" Ministries concludes the 2015 Apologetics Conference with The Case of for the Resurrection. Did the Resurrection of Jesus Christ really happen? Was Christ seen afterwards? Christianity rises or falls on the fact of the resurrection.

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Reason for Belief – Apologetics Conference 2015 – Worldviews Matter!

Various Bible Passages - Listen as Ray Ciervo, from "No-Pat-Answers" Ministries, discusses Worldviews and how they do matter and they filter how we see and interpret the world around us.

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Reason for Belief – Apologetics Conference 2015 – Youth Q & A

Various Bible Passages - Listen as Simon Brace, Director of Evangelism at Southern Evangelical Seminary, holds a Q &A Session with students discussing the spiritual battle to keep your faith while on campus. Be it High School or College, students always need to be ready to give a defense to those around them.

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Reason for Belief – Apologetics Conference 2015 – Is the Bible Reliable?

Various Bible Passages - Listen as Nel Brace, who holds a Master's Degree in Philosophy from Southern Evangelical Seminary, gives an very informative talk on the reliability of the Bible.

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Reason for Belief – Apologetics Conference 2015 – Why Apologetics Matters in the Life of a Church

Ephesians 6:12; 2 Cor 10:3-5; 1 John 5:19 - Listen as Simon Brace, Director of Evangelism at Southern Evangelical Seminary, concludes the Reason for Belief - Apologetics Conference 2015. Why is Apologetics important to the local church? Why the big deal? Why hold a conference? Simon gives a reasoned, logical answer to this common question...because we are in a Spiritual Battle!

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Reason for Belief – Apologetics Conference 2015 – Logic (The Basis for Reason)

Various Bible Passages - Listen as Nel Brace, who holds a Master's Degree in Philosophy from Southern Evangelical Seminary gives a talk on Logic - The Basis for Reason.

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Reason for Belief – Apologetics Conference 2015 – Keeping your Faith on Campus

Various Bible Passages - Listen as Simon Brace, Director of Evangelism at Southern Evangelical Seminary, discusses the spiritual battle involved in keeping your faith while on campus. Be it High School or College, students always need to be ready to give a defense to those around them.

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Reason for Belief – Apologetics Conference 2015 – Christ, the Only Way?

Various Bible Passages - Listen as Ray Ciervo from "No-Pat-Answers" Ministries gives a case for Jesus Christ being the only way to God.

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Reason for Belief – Apologetics Conference 2015 – Using Apologetics in Evangelism

Various Bible Passages - Listen as Simon Brace, Director of Evangelism at Southern Evangelical Seminary, discusses the use of Apologetics (the ability to defend the Faith) in every day evangelism.

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