Sermon Finder

Cults & World Religions – Session 5 – Anabaptists

Various Bible Passages - Listen as Jesse Stone, an Elder at CLC, discusses Cults & World Religions. This week Jesse discusses Anabaptists

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Cults & World Religions – Session 4 – Is it still Christianity on a different foundation?

Various Bible Passages - Listen as Jesse Stone, an Elder at CLC, discusses Cults and World Religions. This week he concludes Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.

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Life of David – Saul Becomes King

1 Samuel 10:17-27 - Pastor Wray continues the series on the Life of David by laying the groundwork regarding the nation of Israel and their rejection of God and HIs government for them and instead chooses a Monarch, like the other nations.

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Life of David – On Government

1 Samuel 8:4-22 - Listen as Pastor Wray begins a new series on the Life of King David. We start in the book of 1 Samuel on the role of government, why government was instituted and the believers responsibility to it.

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Cults & World Religions – Session 3 – Is it still Christianity on a different foundation?

Various Bible Passages - Listen as Jesse Stone, an Elder at CLC, discusses Cults and World Religions. This week he discusses Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.

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Defense of Biblical Marriage – Nature of the Fight

Judges 17:1-13; Deut 12:1-13; 2 Tim 4:1-8 - Listen as Pastor Wray wraps up the short series on the Defense of Biblical Marriage as he gives an example from the Old Testament. Listen how syncretism crept into Israel's religion and has done the same thing in our culture as well. So what are Christian's to do? 2 Tim gives us the answer.

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Cults & World Religions – Session 2 – Worldview: An Introduction to World Religions

Various Bible Passages - Listen as Jesse Stone, an Elder at CLC, discusses Cults and World Religions. This week he concludes the introduction to World Religions.

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Cults & World Religions – Session 1 – Worldview: An Introduction to World Religions

Various Bible Passages - Listen as Jesse Stone, an Elder at CLC, discusses Cults and World Religions. This week he begins with an introduction to World Religions.

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Defense of Biblical Marriage – Marriage in the Mind of God

Gen 2:18-25; Matthew 19:1-8 - Listen as Pastor Doran continues the series on the Defense of Biblical Marriage. Today he discusses what marriage is suppose to be like according to God's Word. The plan for marriage was stated in the Old Testament and reaffirmed in the New Testament by Jesus and other writers.

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Defense of Biblical Marriage – De-Mystifying Homosexuality

Lev 18:1-6, 20-24; Rom 1:21-28 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series of Biblical Marriage. Some say the Bile is silent on the issue. Others say we have to understand God's prohibition against it "in context". Well what does the Bible say about homosexuality? Listen as Pastor Wray looks at scriptural passages that deal with this issue.

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