Sermon Finder

Promises in the Land

Exodus 23:13-24:18 - This passage clearly distinguishes the one true God from the pagan gods of the nations surrounding Israel. We see that our God cannot be manipulated by our obedience, but instead our obedience to his Law is motivated by gratitude for who He is and what He has promised us.

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The Law Leads To Christ

Exodus 21:1 - 23:13 - If God treated us according to the rules of Mosaic Law, none of us could stand. It therefore helps us understand how Christ was the fulfillment of the Law.

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The Ten Commandments

Exodus 20:1-26 - We see in this passage that, as opposed to a list of rules, the Ten Commandments are a blessing from the Lord and following them is the only proper response to God's grace and mercy toward us.

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Preparation for the Covenant

Exodus 19:1-25 - As God introduces His covenant with the nation of Israel, we are struck with the degrees of separation that still exist between God and His people. This should cause us to appreciate all the more the benefits of our Sonship with Christ.

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God’s Picture of Leadership

Exodus 18:1-27 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz articulates Jethro's wisdom in helping Moses establish leadership structure in the nation of Israel.

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Unity- A Christian Imperative

Ephesians 2:11-19, Ephesians 4:1-5, John 17:20-23 - Listen as guest speaker Dave Swartz exhorts the church to be a unified body, portraying the unity of the Trinity and in so doing, bringing a strong testimony to a divided and lost world.

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The Lord Our Banner

Exodus 17:1-16 - The Israelites attempt to manipulate God into doing what they want but by the end of the chapter, they are claiming that the Lord is their banner - the one they rally around.

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God’s Grace

Exodus 16:8-36 - God's grace is the theme of this passage; we see His grace in mercy, His grace in provision and His grace in rest.

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The Wilderness

Exodus 15:22-16:7 - God tests His people to see if they have the faith necessary to obey Him when things are difficult. God pictures himself as a healer - the only true solution to the needs that we have.

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The Red Sea

Exodus 14:1-31 - In His supreme act of deliverance, God shows that He will continue to protect the Israelites through their wilderness journeys. Through the narrative, we see God testing His people by leading them intentionally into danger to teach them their courage must be in Him.

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