Sermon Finder

Life of David – Absalom (Part 4)

2 Samuel 17 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on King David and in this weeks's sermon, Part 4 regarding Absalom and his desire to overthrow King David

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Sunday School Elder Panel

Various - Listen as four of the CLC Elders give a report card on the status of the church. Listen as they provide insight and vision for the future. Elders: Nate Sheaffer, Dave Swartz, Doran Wray & Jesse Stone

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Life of David – Absalom (Part 3)

2 Samuel 16 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues to discuss the life of King David. In 2 Sam 16 we find David fleeing Absalom. What lessons can we learn from this narrative?

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Life of David – Absalom (Part 2)

2 Samuel 15 - Listen as Pastor Wray speaks about Absalom's sin and David's repentance. Leaders who indulge unrighteousness provides justification for others to sin and rebel, this was David's sin.

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Principles of Communication – Session 12

Proverbs 17:3, 19:11 - This class is a practical guide to what God wants and requires in our talk with one another and ultimately how we might effect a world around us in the use of speech.

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Principles of Communication – Session 11

Proverbs 17:3, 19:11 - This class is a practical guide to what God wants and requires in our talk with one another and ultimately how we might effect a world around us in the use of speech.

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Life of David – Absalom (Part 1)

2 Samuel 14 - Listen as Pastor Wray continue the series on King David. How his life has taken a downward turn as the repercussions of his sin with Bathsheba become evident. Listen how Joab is committed to David but not to righteousness. How bad was Absalom?

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Life of David – Consequences of Sin

2 Samuel 13 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on the life of David. Hear how the consequences of David's sin does not leave his household, as incest and murder occurs.

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Principles of Communication – Session 10

Galatians 5:1-16 - This class is a practical guide to what God wants and requires in our talk with one another and ultimately how we might effect a world around us in the use of speech.

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Life of David – Repentance

2 Samuel 12; Psalm 51 & 32 - Listen as Pastor Wray talks about David's sin and his repentance when Nathan confronts him. Listen how a man caught in sin is suppose to respond.

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