Sermon Finder

Life of David – David Dies

1 Kings 2:10-35 - As King David's life ends and Solomon now becomes King. Listen to Pastor Wray as he explains how things are put in order and how people try to manipulate Solomon and how he responds.

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Life of David – Solomon Becomes King

1 Kings 1:32 - 2:9 - As King David's life comes to a close, hear his directives to Solomon - Keep the Lord 1st!

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Hannah’s Story

1 Samuel 1 & 2 - Listen as Pastor Adam Williams speaks on Mother's Day about Hannah and her desire to have a child. Why had God closed her womb? Where was her focus? What changed? Listen and be changed!

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Life of David – The Census & The Plague

2 Samuel 24 - Listen as Pastor Wray concludes the series on the Life of David. Pastor Wray addresses three textual criticisms about today's passage.

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Life of David – Thanksgiving & Deeds

2 Samuel 22-23 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on the Life of David. This week he talks about the Psalm of Thanksgiving from David and the mighty deeds of his mighty men.

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Life of David – Famine

2 Samuel 21 - Listen as Pastor Wray talks about the three-year famine that came upon Israel due to undealt with sin. God is fixing old issues, preparing the nation for King Solomon.

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Life of David – Rebellion & Men

2 Samuel 20 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on the Life of David. This week we see David in continued danger and Joab kills to protect his King. This is a long string of events that started with David's sin with Bathsheba.

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Life of David – David is Blind

2 Samuel 19 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series of King David. In 2 Samuel 19 David is confronted by Joab and is restored to his throne.

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Easter – Road to Emmaus

Luke 24:13-35, 44-47 - He is Risen! Listen as Pastor Wray teaches from the Road to Emmaus passage. Listen how Jesus comes upon 2 disciples who are "sad" about the death of Jesus, yet he explains the scriptures to them and God opens their eyes!

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Life of David – Absalom (Part 5)

2 Samuel 18 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on the Life of King David. Hear how David does not stand for righteousness in the death of Absalom.

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