Sunday School – Tour of Israel: Context for the New Testament – Lesson 3
Various Passages - Listen as Nate Sheaffer, a CLC Elder, leads this dynamic and interesting class on the context of the Gospels and the New Testament. This class is based on a trip Nate and his daughter took to the Holy Land in 2015. The Fullness of Time
Listen Now2 Corinthians – Everything is Spiritual
2 Corinthians 10 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on 2nd Corinthians. This week Paul answers charges of being a a certain kind of person in person and another in his writings. He is operating in the "Sphere" God gave him.
Listen NowWhen God Delays – Psalm 13
Psalm 13 - Listen as Steve Hynes, Director of Adult Education, talks about David pleading with the Lord "How Long O Lord" will you not answer me? Listen how David's focus changes half way through the Psalm from his problem to the Lord and he is lifted up to sing a song.
Listen NowSunday School – Tour of Israel: Context for the New Testament – Lesson 2
Various Passages - Listen as Nate Sheaffer, a CLC Elder, leads this dynamic and interesting class on the context of the Gospels and the New Testament. This class is based on a trip Nate and his daughter took to the Holy Land in 2015. Historical Overview
Listen Now2 Corinthians – Principles in Giving
2 Corinthians 9 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues his series on the book of 2nd Corinthians. This week he discusses the principles, the readiness and the promise of giving.
Listen NowSunday School – Tour of Israel: Context for the New Testament – Lesson 1
Various Passages - Listen as Nate Sheaffer, a CLC Elder, leads this dynamic and interesting class on the context of the Gospels and the New Testament. This class is based on a trip Nate and his daughter took to the Holy Land in 2015. Geography of the Land
Listen Now2 Corinthians – Never Too Late To Do the Right Thing
2 Corinthians 8 - This week Pastor Wray speaks about giving, what does it look like and what is the pattern. Paul is encouraging the Corinthians to follow through with the vow to assist in giving toward the need in the Jerusalem church.
Listen Now2 Corinthians – Let Us Remain Faithful
2 Corinthians 7 - Pastor Wray continues the series on 2nd Corinthians. This week he explores Chapter 7 and what it means to repent vs. being sorry for what we have done and the need for all of us to leave the old things behind as we walk with Christ.
Listen NowSystematic Theology – Lesson 12
Various Passages -
Listen Now2 Corinthians – Faithful Ministers of Christ
2 Corinthians 6 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on 2nd Corinthians. Paul, and all the apostles, proved themselves faithful ministers of Christ, by their unblamable life and behavior, by affection for them and by earnest concern, that they might have no fellowship with unbelievers and idolaters.
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