Sermon Finder

Sunday School – Tour of Israel: Context for the New Testament – Lesson 6

Various Passages - Listen as Nate Sheaffer, a CLC Elder, leads this dynamic and interesting class on the context of the Gospels and the New Testament. This class is based on a trip Nate and his daughter took to the Holy Land in 2015. Life Under Rome Part 3

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Sunday School – Tour of Israel: Context for the New Testament – Lesson 5

Various Passages - Listen as Nate Sheaffer, a CLC Elder, leads this dynamic and interesting class on the context of the Gospels and the New Testament. This class is based on a trip Nate and his daughter took to the Holy Land in 2015. Life Under Rome Part 2

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2 Corinthians – Thorn in the Flesh

2 Corinthians 12 - Listen as Pastor Wray talks about the Apostle Paul's thorn in the flesh. How does it relate to us and how do we respond.

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Sunday School – Tour of Israel: Context for the New Testament – Lesson 4

Various Passages - Listen as Nate Sheaffer, a CLC Elder, leads this dynamic and interesting class on the context of the Gospels and the New Testament. This class is based on a trip Nate and his daughter took to the Holy Land in 2015. Life Under Rome Part 1

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2 Corinthians – Believing a Lie

2 Corinthians 11 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on the book of 2nd Corinthians. This week he talks about how the Corinthians were eager to believe a lie, as we all are. They were being tempted to be led away by false teachers.

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Sunday School – Tour of Israel: Context for the New Testament – Lesson 3

Various Passages - Listen as Nate Sheaffer, a CLC Elder, leads this dynamic and interesting class on the context of the Gospels and the New Testament. This class is based on a trip Nate and his daughter took to the Holy Land in 2015. The Fullness of Time

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2 Corinthians – Everything is Spiritual

2 Corinthians 10 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on 2nd Corinthians. This week Paul answers charges of being a a certain kind of person in person and another in his writings. He is operating in the "Sphere" God gave him.

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Sunday School – Tour of Israel: Context for the New Testament – Lesson 2

Various Passages - Listen as Nate Sheaffer, a CLC Elder, leads this dynamic and interesting class on the context of the Gospels and the New Testament. This class is based on a trip Nate and his daughter took to the Holy Land in 2015. Historical Overview

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When God Delays – Psalm 13

Psalm 13 - Listen as Steve Hynes, Director of Adult Education, talks about David pleading with the Lord "How Long O Lord" will you not answer me? Listen how David's focus changes half way through the Psalm from his problem to the Lord and he is lifted up to sing a song.

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Sunday School – Tour of Israel: Context for the New Testament – Lesson 1

Various Passages - Listen as Nate Sheaffer, a CLC Elder, leads this dynamic and interesting class on the context of the Gospels and the New Testament. This class is based on a trip Nate and his daughter took to the Holy Land in 2015. Geography of the Land

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