Sermon Finder

Sunday School – Men of the Reformation – Session 10

Various Passages - Listen as Pastor Doran and Elder David Swartz discuss the Men of the Reformation. This week they discuss God, government, liberty, views of Geneva Academy, Calvin's views, Views of Knox, effects on the American Revolution

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The Gospel of John – Jesus Calls His Disciples

John 1:35-51 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on the Gospel of John. This week he talks about Jesus calling His disciples to follow Him. Understand that God was already at work in these men so when Jesus called them, they responded with faith.

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Sunday School – Men of the Reformation – Session 9

Various - Listen as Pastor Doran and Elder David Swartz discuss the Men of the Reformation. This week they discuss John Knox, the Scottish Reformation / Presbyterian Church.

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Sunday School – Men of Reformation – Session 8

Various Passages - Listen as Pastor Doran and Elder David Swartz discuss the Men of the Reformation. This week they discuss the Huguenots

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The Gospel of John – In the Beginning was the WORD

John 1:1-34 - Listen as Senior Pastor Doran Wray begins a new preaching series. The Gospel of John will be the topic for several months. This week Pastor Wray talks about Jesus being in the beginning with God and he was God.

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Missions Conference 2017 – Remembering All Nations in Communion

Rev 5:1-10 - Matthew Ellison, CLC's Keynote Speaker for our 2017 Missions Conference, closes this year's conference remembering all the nations during communion. Listen how Matthew unpacks this from the Scriptures.

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Missions Conference 2017 – All Authority To All Nations

Matthew 28:16-20 - Matthew Ellison, CLC's Keynote Speaker for our 2017 Missions Conference, describes what it means when Jesus said "All authority is given unto me" and how it empowers us to do Missions. Listen how Matthew unpacks this from the Scriptures.

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Missions Conference 2017 – God Centered Missionary Care

3 John 6-8; Phil 1:3-5 - Matthew Ellison, CLC's Keynote Speaker for our 2017 Missions Conference, describes what it means to care for missionaries in a "manner worthy of God" Caring for missionaries involves two things: The Knowing & The Doing. Listen how Matthew unpacks this from the Scriptures.

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Missions Conference 2017 – Why Missions?

Mark 1:16-20; Luke 24:45-48; Acts 4:12; Dan 12:3; Matt 28:18-20 - Matthew Ellison, CLC's Keynote Speaker for our 2017 Missions Conference, opens the conference with the question: Why do we do Missions? Listen how Matthew unpacks this questions from the Scriptures.

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Sunday School – Men of the Reformation – Session 7

Various Passages - Listen as Pastor Doran and Elder David Swartz discuss the Men of the Reformation. This week they discuss the Anabaptists.

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