Sermon Finder

The Gospel of John – The Death of Lazarus

John 11:1-27 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on the Gospel of John. This week he talks about the death of Lazarus. Why did Jesus wait so long to come and see him? Why did Lazarus have to die? How is God glorified through this? These and other questions are answered in this message.

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Sunday School – Creation Evolution – Session 10

Romans 1:18-20 - Listen as Nate Sheaffer, an Elder at CLC discusses the debate in Christian Apologetics regarding Creation & Evolution. This week Nate reviews the Intelligent Design Theory.

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The Gospel of John – My Sheep Know Me

John 10:22-42 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on the Gospel of John. This week he talks about Jesus being the Good Shepherd. He knows His sheep and His sheep know Him.

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Sunday School – Creation Evolution – Session 9

Various Passage - Listen as Nate Sheaffer, an Elder at CLC discusses the debate in Christian Apologetics regarding Creation & Evolution. This week Nate reviews the Theistic Evolution Model.

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Sunday School – Creation Evolution – Session 8

Genesis 2 - Listen as Nate Sheaffer, an Elder at CLC discusses the debate in Christian Apologetics regarding Creation & Evolution. This week Nate reviews the Literary Model.

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The Gospel of John – The Good Shepherd

John 9:35 - 10:21 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on the Gospel of John. This week he talks about Jesus being the Good Shepherd. He knows His sheep and His sheep know Him.

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The Gospel of John – Jesus Heals a Blind Man

John 9:1-34 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on the Gospel of John. This week he talks about Jesus healing the man blind form birth. Why was he born blind? Listen how Jesus confronts the Pharisees about this miracle.

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Sunday School – Creation Evolution Debate – Session 7

Genesis 1 - Listen as Nate Sheaffer, an Elder at CLC discusses the debate in Christian Apologetics regarding Creation & Evolution. This week Nate reviews two Christian models of creation - The Gap Theory & the Day-Age Model.

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The Gospel of John – The Truth Will Set You Free

John 8:31-59 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series of the Gospel of John. This week he discuses what the words spoken by Jesus mean (in content) "The Truth Will Set You Free".

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Sunday School – Creation Evolution Debate – Lesson 6

Various Bible Passages - Listen as Nate Sheaffer, an Elder at CLC discusses the debate in Christian Apologetics regarding Creation & Evolution. This week Nate continues discussing the Young Earth Model, strengths and weaknesses.

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