John13:1-20 - Join Pastor Wray as he continues the series on the Gospel of John. This week he discusses Jesus washes His disciples feet and instructs them to do the same to others. Jesus teaches us to think differently which influences the way we act toward each other.
Various Bible Passages - Join Dave Swartz, a CLC Elder, as he teaches about different Missionary Heroes. This week he talks about Mary Slessor (1848 - 1915)
John 12:27-50 - Join Pastor Wray as he continues the series on the Gospel of John. This week he discusses Jesus teaching His disciples regarding why he must die and His equality with God.
Various Bible Passages - Join Dave Swartz, a CLC Elder, as he teaches about different Missionary Heroes. This week he talks about Charles Spurgeon (1856–1892).
Various Bible Passages - Join Dave Swartz, a CLC Elder, as he teaches about different Missionary Heroes. This week he talks about John Paton (1824-1907)
John 11:47 - 12:11 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on the Gospel of John. This week Pastor Doran speaks about three distinct events in this passage. Caiaphas makes a prophecy, Mary annoints Jesus and Judas' betrayal.
Various Bible Passages - Listen as Nate Sheaffer, an Elder at CLC discusses the debate in Christian Apologetics regarding Creation & Evolution. This week Nate reviews the Common Theory or Evolution and how to address it.
The Gospel of John – Lazarus is Raised from the Dead
John 11:28-46 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on the Gospel of John. This week he talks about the resurrection of Lazarus. This week Jesus speaks with Mary and explains his delay in coming is for the Glory of God.
Various Passages - Listen as Nate Sheaffer, an Elder at CLC discusses the debate in Christian Apologetics regarding Creation & Evolution. This week Nate reviews the Darwinian Evolution.