Advent Series – Christmas Eve – Wise Men Visit the King
Matthew 2:1-12 - Christmas Eve Sermon - LIsten as Senior Pastor Wray shares about the three wise men who came to pay respect and worship THE KING of the JEWS..
Luke 1:31-38 - Listen to Senior Pastor Wray as he brings this week's message on the 1st advent of Jesus Christ. This week he talks about the prediction of Jesus birth to Mary from the angel.
Luke 2:1`-32 - Listen to Senior Pastor Wray as he brings this week's message on the 1st advent of Jesus Christ. This week he talks about the presentation of Jesus at the temple and Simeon's prophetic praise.
Galatians 5:16-24 - Where will God meet you?- Listen to Senior Pastor Wray as he concludes the sermon series on Love. This week he talks about where God meets us? AS we walk in the Spirit and obey His commands. "Love is Right Action based in Moral Obligation from God to Me toward Others"
1 John 4:7-5:4 - Love: Back to the Basics - Listen to Senior Pastor Wray as he continues the sermon series on Love. This week he talks about Love in action.
1 John 3:13-19 - Love in Action - Listen to Senior Pastor Wray as he continues the sermon series on Love. This week he talks about Love in action, all the time, no matter how the other person reactions. As we get better at love our wisdom grows.
1 Corinthians 13:5-13 - Love is the Right Action - Listen to Senior Pastor Wray as he continues the sermon series on Love. This week he talks about Love being the right action, all the time, no matter how the other person reactions. Train the head and the heart will follow.