Sermon Finder

Why Church Matters – Lesson 11

Various Bible Passages - In a world of distraction, activity, and opportunity why is going to church important? Listen as Senior Pastor Doran Wary and explores what the church is, what it is for, and why it still matters.

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A Divided Israel – Secret Sins have Consequences

1 Kings 21 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on A Divided Israel. This week he discusses Ahab childishness and Jezebel's power grab. Pastor Wray explains what happens when a culture (and its leaders) disregards fixed moral boundaries...all you have left is power.

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Why Does Church Matter? – Lesson 10

Various Bible Passages - In a world of distraction, activity, and opportunity why is going to church important? Listen as Senior Pastor Doran Wary and explores what the church is, what it is for, and why it still matters.

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A Divided Israel – Ahab’s Failure

1 Kings 20 - Listen as Pastor Wray resumes the series on A Divided Israel. This week he discusses Ahab's failure, the victory over Ben-Hadad and how this works into God's plans.

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Why Does Church Matter? – Lesson 9

Various Bible Passages - In a world of distraction, activity, and opportunity why is going to church important? Listen as Senior Pastor Doran Wary and explores what the church is, what it is for, and why it still matters.

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Easter Sunday – The Good Shepherd

John 10:7-21 - He is Risen! Listen as Pastor Wray celebrates the glorious resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Listen how Jesus declares He is the "Good Shepherd", "The Door" and how He knows His people and they know him!

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Why Does Church Matter? – Lesson 8

Various Bible Passages - In a world of distraction, activity, and opportunity why is going to church important? Listen as Senior Pastor Doran Wary and explores what the church is, what it is for, and why it still matters.

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Palm Sunday – Jesus Coronation

Matthew 26:59-68 - Listen as Pastor Wray describes the coronation of Jesus before the Sanhedrin, as he quotes from Daniel 7:13-14.

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Why Does Church Matter? – Lesson 7

Various Bible Passages - In a world of distraction, activity, and opportunity why is going to church important? Listen as Elder Jesse Stone subs in for Senior Pastor Doran Wary and explores what the church is, what it is for, and why it still matters.

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A Divided Israel – Elijah’s Disappointment with God

1 Kings 19 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on A Divided Israel. This week he discusses how Elijah became disappointed with God when He failed to live up to Elijah's idea of how things should have gone after the big victory on Mt Carmel.

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