Sermon Finder

A Divided Israel – Elijah in the Whirlwind

2 Kings 2 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on A Divided Israel. This week he discusses how Elijah was taken up into heaven by the whirlwind. How does Elisha respond?

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A Divided Israel – King Ahaziah’s Death

2 Kings 1 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on A Divided Israel. This week he discusses King Ahaziah's death as foretold by the prophet Elijah.

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Sunday School – Social Justice – Lesson 2

Various Bible Passages - Join David Swartz, CLC Elder, as he delves into the topic of Social Justice. Social Justice is a buzzword in modern American culture and many churches consider it to be their primary mission. But are social justice movements Biblical?

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A Divided Kingdom – Jehoram Becomes King

2 Chronicles 21 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on A Divided Israel. This week he discusses how King Jehoshaphat left the Kingdom to his eldest son, Jehoram. Not the best person to rule the nation. Listen how his pragmatism led to his ultimate judgment. What lesson can we learn from this Old Testament King?

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Sunday School – Social Justice – Lesson 1

Various Bible Passages - Join David Swartz, CLC Elder, as he delves into the topic of Social Justice. Social Justice is a buzzword in modern American culture and many churches consider it to be their primary mission. But are social justice movements Biblical? This week Dave discusses a comparison of worldviews.

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Why Church Matters – Lesson 13

Various BIble Passages - In a world of distraction, activity, and opportunity why is going to church important? Listen as Senior Pastor Doran Wary and explores what the church is, what it is for, and why it still matters.

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A Divided Israel – Jehoshaphat’s Prayer

2 Chronicles 20 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on A Divided Israel. This week he discusses how King Jehoshaphat turns to prayer as he is confronted with a trial he was not expecting.

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A Divided Israel – Jehu Rebukes Jehoshaphat

2 Chronicles 19 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on A Divided Israel. This week he discusses how Jehu confronts King Jehoshaphat about his compromise with King Ahab.

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Why Church Matters – Lesson 12

Various Bible Passages - In a world of distraction, activity, and opportunity why is going to church important? Listen as Senior Pastor Doran Wary and explores what the church is, what it is for, and why it still matters.

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Why Church Matters – Lesson 11

Various Bible Passages - In a world of distraction, activity, and opportunity why is going to church important? Listen as Senior Pastor Doran Wary and explores what the church is, what it is for, and why it still matters.

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