Sermon Finder

A Divided Israel – King Amaziah

2 Chronicles 25 - LIsten as Senior Pastor Wray discusses the 1/2 hearted obedience of King Amaziah which leads to "full-throated rebellion".

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Sunday School – Holy Spirit – Session 2

Various N.T. Bible Passages - Join Senior Pastor Wray has he begins a new 6-week series on the role of the Holy Spirit in the believers life.

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A Divided Israel – Meaningless Kings

2 Kings 13 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on A Divided Israel and relevant truths for today. Jehoahaz King of Israel. He has the distinction of being another king in the long line of Kings in Israel that did evil in the sight of the Lord and as a result were meaningless.

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Sunday School – Holy Spirit – Session 1

Various Bible Passages - Join Senior Pastor Wray has he begins a new 6-week series on the role of the Holy Spirit in the believers life.

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Sunday School – Social Justice – Lesson 6

Heb 10:11-14 - Listen as David Swartz concludes his 6-week series on Social Justice. Listen how the conscience is integral to this whole discussion.

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A Divided Israel – Finishing Well

2 Chronicles 24 & 2 Kings 12 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on A Divided Israel and relevant truths for today. Joash, King of Judah, began his reign well with his mentor Jehoiada, but Joash did not finish his life well. Are we doing the same?

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The Divided Israel – Athaliah Reigns over Judah

1 Kings 11, 2 Chronicles 22-23 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on A Divided Israel. This week he discusses how Athaliah reigned over Judah until she is murdered and Joash comes to power.

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Sunday School – Social Justice – Lesson 5

Various Bible Passages - Join David Swartz, CLC Elder, as he delves into the topic of Social Justice. Social Justice is a buzzword in modern American culture and many churches consider it to be their primary mission. But are social justice movements Biblical?

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A Divided Israel – Judah’s King Ahaziah

2 Chronicles 22 - Listen as Associate Pastor Ethan Swartz continues the series on A Divided Israel. This week he discusses how King Ahaziah becomes King of Judah in the South and how he chose to follow the evil path of the House of Omri.

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Sunday School – Social Justice – Lesson 4

Various Bible Verses - Join David Swartz, CLC Elder, as he delves into the topic of Social Justice. Social Justice is a buzzword in modern American culture and many churches consider it to be their primary mission. But are social justice movements Biblical?

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