Sermon Finder

Sunday School – Holy Spirit – Session 7

2 Corinthians 8-14, Galatians - Join Senior Pastor Wray has he continues a new 6-week series on the role of the Holy Spirit in the believers life.

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A Divided Israel – Israel Falls

2 Kings 15:27-31; 2 Kings 17:1-5 - LIsten as Senior Pastor Wray discusses Israel's fall in 722 BC. What god do we return to under stress. Our God is a god of belief and belief is seen in actions.

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Sunday School – Holy Spirit – Session 6

1 Corinthians 8-14 - Join Senior Pastor Wray has he continues a new 6-week series on the role of the Holy Spirit in the believers life.

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A Divided Israel – King Ahaz

2 Chronicles 28 - LIsten as Senior Pastor Wray discusses King Ahaz. Ahaz embraces the culture rather than what he learned at home for his father. So much so, that he actual sacrifices his children to false gods. How much do we embrace our culture?

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Sunday School – Holy Spirit – Session 5

Romans 8:4-26 - Join Senior Pastor Wray has he continues a new 6-week series on the role of the Holy Spirit in the believers life.

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A Divided Israel – Judah Turns a Corner

2 Chronicles 27 - LIsten as Senior Pastor Wray discusses King Jotham (son of Uzziah). Listen how he followed the Lord even when the nation behaved corruptly. He lived righteously but does not make an impact on his people. This is where Christians need to be.

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Sunday School – Holy Spirit – Session 4

Romans 8:4-26 - Join Senior Pastor Wray has he continues a new 6-week series on the role of the Holy Spirit in the believers life.

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A Divided Israel – Where is God?

2 Kings 14:23-15:38 - LIsten as Senior Pastor Wray discusses five evil Kings. None followed the Lord. Where is God in the midst of this evil reign of the Kings? Listen as Pastor Wray explains how our Sovereign God is always there, raising up leaders and bringing others down.

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Sunday School – Holy Spirit – Session 3

John 14-16; Romans 8 - Join Senior Pastor Wray has he begins a new 6-week series on the role of the Holy Spirit in the believers life.

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A Divided Israel – King Uzziah

2 Chronicles 26 - LIsten as Senior Pastor Wray discusses King Uzziah of Judah. How he started out so good, following the Lord, but when he became strong, he also became full of pride and departed from the Lord. Only a priest would stand up to him.

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