Gal 3:1-9; Romans 11:17-32 - Join Senior Pastor Wray as he begins a new Sunday School series on the End of all Temporal Things - Eschatology. This week he discusses the 2 prominent Pre-Mill positions: Historic and Dispensational.
2 Kings 19-20 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on a Divided Israel. This week, in 2 Kings 19-20, KIng Hezekiah reign comes to an end in Judah. What lessons can we learn from this King?
Various Bible Passages - Join Senior Pastor Wray as he begins a new Sunday School series on the End of all Temporal Things - Eschatology. This week he asks the question "Where do you put the Millenium?"
2 Kings 18 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues the series on a Divided Israel. This week, in 2 Kings 18, KIng Hezekiah reign in Judah. What lessons can we learn from this King?
2 Peter 3:3-13 - Join Senior Pastor Wray as he begins a new Sunday School series on the End of all Temporal Things - Eschatology. This week he explains how Christianity is Soteriological by nature and NOT Eschatological.
2 Kings 15:27-31; 2 Kings 17:1-5 - LIsten as Senior Pastor Wray discusses Israel's fall in 722 BC. What god do we return to under stress. Our God is a god of belief and belief is seen in actions.
2 Chronicles 28 - LIsten as Senior Pastor Wray discusses King Ahaz. Ahaz embraces the culture rather than what he learned at home for his father. So much so, that he actual sacrifices his children to false gods. How much do we embrace our culture?