Luke 2:41-52 - Listen as Pastor Wray concludes his 4-week series on the Advent of Christ. This week he discusses how important Passover was as it relates to the birth of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 2:1-23 - Listen as Pastor Wray describes the Magi From the East come to workship the new born King of the Jews and the significance of the gifts they brought.
Luke 2:21-38 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues his 4-week series on the Advent of Christ. This week he discusses the child (Jesus) is presented at the Temple at 8-days old, as the Law demanded. Listen how Simeon and Anna priase God for the Messiah King.
Luke 2:1-14 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues his 4-week series on the Advent of Christ. This week he discusses a child (Jesus) is born of Mary and laid in a manger. In the fullness of time God sent His Son to save HIs people from their sins.
Matthew 1:18-25 - Listen as Pastor Wray begins a 4-week series on the Advent of Christ. This week he discusses a child (Jesus) is promised to Mary by the Holy Spirit.
Ecclesiates 12 - Join Pastor Wray as he concludes the series on the book of Ecclesiates. This week he discusses how Solomon reflects at the end of his life. His conclusion: fear God, obey God, judgment is coming.
Ecclesiastes 8 & 9 - Listen as Pastor Doran continues his study in Ecclesiastes, this week in chapters 8 & 9 we explore what it means to live a life with courage.
Ecclesiastes 6 & 7 - Listen as Pastor Doran continues his study in Ecclesiastes, this week in chapters 6 & 7. We explore how nothing in life is promised to us. We are not to live our life aiming for an outcome, but instead we are to live for God.