Personal Evangelism – Part 3 – A Transfer of Allegiance
Romans 6:12-23 - Listen as Pastor Wray concl;udes the mini-series on Persnal Evangelism. "But Now" God intervenes in our sinful lives so we are no longer slaves to sin.
Personal Evangelism – Part 2 – Is the Wind Blowing?
John 3:1-21 - Listen as Pastor Wray begins a new series on Persnal Evangelism. Nicodemus gives us a perfect example on how to speak to those who are seeking the Lord - You must be Born Again.
Exoduc 3:2-6, 13-20; Luke 3:15-17; Joshua 1:5-9, 16 - Listen as Pastor Wray begins a new series on Persnal Evangelism. Before one can adequately present the Gospel, you first must explain who God is and what He expects from man.
James 4:5-12; Phil 4:11-13; 1 Cor 13 - Listen as Senior Pastor Wray concludes the series, entitled "Seven Deadly Sins". This week he discusses the sin of Pride.
Numbers 12:1-8; Exodus 20:16-17; James 3:13 - 4:4 - Listen as Senior Pastor Wray continues the new series, entitled "Seven Deadly Sins". This week he discusses the sin of Envy.
Mark 4:30 - Join Steve Richardson, President of Pioneers USA, keynote speaker at the CLC 2021 Missions Conference as he speaks about the Advancing Kingdom of God. We should not dispise the day of small things (Zech 4:10). God never starts out with something big, it always starts small and grows (our faith and the Kingdom).
Prov 26:13-16, 24:30; 2 Thes 3:6-15; Exodus 20:11 - Listen as Senior Pastor Wray continues the new series, entitled "Seven Deadly Sins". This week he discusses the sin of Sloth.
Colossians 2:20-23; Philippians 3:17-21; Titus 2:11-14 - Listen as Senior Pastor Wray continues the new series, entitled "Seven Deadly Sins". This week he discusses the sin of Gluttony.