Sermon Finder

The Gospel of Matthew – Do Not Fear Man

Matthew 10:24-42 - Listen as Senior Pastor Wray finshes Chapter 10 of Matthew. Here Christ tells us not to fear man but to fear God. Also how the Gospel divides families but their is a reward for those who are faithful.

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The Gospel of Matthew – Sheep & Wolves

Matthew 10:1-23 - Listen as Pastor Wray continues in the book of Matthew. This week he discusses the difference between sheep and wolves and the authority Jesus gave to his disciples.

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The Gospel of Matthew – Physical Healings Point to Spiritual Healings

Matthew 9:18-38 - Associate Pastor Ethan Swartz continues the series on the Gospel of Matthew, See how physical healings that Jesus performed point to spirtual healings. Ethan is a candidate for the Senior Pastor position.

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The Crucifixion of Jesus – Easter Sunday

Luke 22:66 - 23"56 - Jesus was brought before three illegal "courts" but God used the injustice of man to bring about the redemption of mankind. Praise Him!

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The Betrayal of Jesus – Palm Sunday

Luke 22:20-53 - We all know how Judas betrayed Jesus, but was he the only one? What about the other disciples? What about us?

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The Gospel of Matthew – Jesus Forgives Sin

Matthew 9:1-17 - Listen as Pastor Wray talks about Jesus forgiving the sin of the paralytic even before he asked for forgiveness; he just wanted to be healed. Listen how Jesus has power to heal and forgive sin. He is the Son of Man!

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The Gospel of Matthew – Counting the Cost

Matthew 8:18-34 - Listen as Pastor Wray discusses how Jesus calms the storm and then frees a demon possessed man.

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The Gospel of Matthew – Jesus Heals

Matthew 8:1-17 - Listen as Pastor Wray talks about Jesus healing the leper, the Centurion's servant and other various healings. What was the purpose of the healings? Did Jesus heal all?

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The Gospel of Matthew – Entering the Kingdom

Matthew 7:15-29 - Listen as Pastor Wray concludes the Sermon on the Mount. In this passage Jesus says a tree is known by their fruit. Does your profession match your faith walk?

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The Gospel of Matthew – Judgment, Prayer & the Kingdom

Matthew 7:1-14 - Listen as Pastor Wray contnues the Sermon on the Mount. This week he talks about Jeusus' statement about 'Judge not and thou shalt not be judged' What did Jesus mean bby that?

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