Exodus 2:23-3:22 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues our sermon series in Exodus. In this passage, we see that redemption is almost entirely a work of God and not man as God's holiness requires him to act for his people.
Exodus 2:1-22 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues our series in Exodus. Moses' salvation illustrates God's election, showcases his grace toward believers and illustrates our response of humility.
Exodus 1:1-22 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz begins a new series in the book of Exodus. The faithfulness of God is not thwarted by wicked plans and should cause God's people to respond in obedience.
1 Corinthians 15:1-34 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz delivers our Easter message. Because Christ rose from the dead, we now are convinced of the reality of this event, the value of this event and we see the ethical implications of the resurrection from the dead.
Matthew 28:1-20 - Listen as Pastor Ethan finishes our series in Matthew. The Resurrection of Jesus once and for all establishes that He is the Messiah and requires that we respond with worship and unqualified obedience.
Matthew 27:32-66 - Listen as Pastor Ethan continues our series in the book of Matthew. Through the response of the crowd, creation, and believers, we see that Jesus was truly the Son of God and truly he died for our sins.
Matthew 26:47-75 - Listen as Pastor Ethan continues our series in the book of Matthew. In this section of Scripture, we see that the willingness to suffer for the Gospel comes from an understanding of the end and an intimate knowledge of our Savior.
Matthew 26:20-46 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues our series in Matthew. In this passage we see that the solution to our weak, faithless, cowardly hearts is to be strengthened through our Union with Christ.
Matthew 26:1-19 - Listen as Pastor Ethan Swartz continues our series in Matthew. In this passage, we learn that Christ is worthy of our extravagant, costly sacrifice because He gave Himself as an extravagant, costly sacrifice for us.