Sermon Finder


Genesis 5:1-32 - Believers mitigate the effects of sin by faithfully walking with God and knowing the comfort that comes from the Messiah.

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Genesis 4:1-26 - While often called the story of Cain and Abel, this passage is really about the grace and mercy of God.

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The First Sin

Genesis 3:1-24 - The First Sin

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God’s Ideal for Man

Genesis 2:4-25 - We see in this passage that God's best for Man is to be in a relationship with God that causes man to serve, obey and worship God.

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Sanctity of Life

Jeremiah 1:1-10 - God has the authority to call the shots in our lives because he made us

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Genesis 1:1-2:3 - The creation account shows us that God made this world for us to enjoy rest.

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The Gospel Changes Everything

Titus 2:11-15 - This passage shows us that a growing, faithful, thriving church needs Christians trained by grace. The gospel should change every aspect of our desires and actions.

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A Prayer for a New Year

Psalm 56:1-13 - This passage serves as a useful barometer for our walk with the Lord, re-framing our reality regarding our fears and priorities in our lives.

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The Word Became Flesh

John 1:14-18 -

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John 1:1-13 - This beautiful passage provides us with a glimpse of the intracacy of the incarnation through the eyes of the apostle John, who lays the foundation for the Christmas story found in the other gospels.

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