The function of Sunday School is to lead people to Christ, to instruct believers in the Word of God, and to prepare its attenders for part in the permanent fellowship of the church. Sunday School is not considered a separate organization from the church, but a part of the church itself, and it acts and cooperates with the church in all of its functions.
The Sunday School hour starts at 9am and there are classes for all ages:
- 2 & 3 year olds
- 4 & 5 year olds
- 1st grade
- 2nd & 3rd grade
- 4th – 6th grade
- Jr. High (7th-8th grade)
- Sr. High (9th-12th grade)
- Young Adult (high school graduates, college students, and college graduates)
- Adult (There are multiple elective options each quarter, with some classes pertaining to the core doctrines of the Christian faith, and other classes assisting believers in their daily walk with God and their fellow man.)

Shari Bartch
Elementary Sunday School Coordinator

Denny Shambaugh
Young Adult Ministry Coordinator

Steve Hynes
Adult Sunday School Coordinator