Ethan Swartz - Senior Pastor
Ethan grew up attending Church of the Living Christ with his family until leaving for college. Through the witness of his parents, he became a believer at an early age. He was homeschooled through high school which allowed for his parents to disciple him. He also grew from the teaching in the Youth Group and the mentoring of Youth Leaders. Through his experiences in church, he felt the Lord calling him into full-time ministry. At age 16, he decided to pursue full time pastoral ministry. Ethan holds BA in Pastoral Ministry from Moody Bible Institute and a Th.M in Pastoral Theology and Practice from Dallas Theological Seminary. Ethan and his wife LeeAnna have four children.

Nat LeTowt - Associate Pastor of Youth Ministry
Nat has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Lafayette College in Easton, PA where he came to know Christ as his savior through a Christian fellowship meeting on campus. He began college with a desire to become a psychologist and graduated with a desire to be a pastor. Nat then acquired a Master’s of Divinity from Biblical Theological Seminary in Hatfield, PA. He was then ordained through the Bible Fellowship Church. Nat and his wife Liz have one daughter.